Thursday, 25 October 2007

Week 6 #13 Tagging and Bookmarks

One can easily get distracted and find herself far, far away from where she began. And time, how quickly it passes (disappears) when your blogging. I wish time passed as quickly when I was grocery shopping or ironing.
I've found this topic very useful and the many sites I've visited interesting. The fact I can find my favourites wherever I am using any system is great.
However, you can stumble on some questionable sites and I can see how easily children can end up on a unsuitable site. Often these sites are only a click away and if you have a dodgy finger (from netball injuries) that often activates the mouse without one knowing you can find yourself, anywhere! This hasn't happened yet, let's hope it doesn't.
Being an organised and tidy person (just ask my sister) bookmarking and tagging is something that I will use continously and being able to weed as I go, will be very useful.

Monday, 22 October 2007

Week 6 : #13 Bookmarks and Tags

I've set up my account however I haven't gone any further as yet, will get back to it soon.

Week 6 : #13

Friday, 19 October 2007

Week 5 #12 Rollyo

I tried Rollyo and often got far more sites than I wanted and some tenousily linked to my search. I dont think I would use this very much.
Librarything however I enjoyed using,I only chose the books I could remember easily to test it out and I was very pleased when it worked first time. WOW. I am learning something, a lot actually.

Week Five #11 LibraryThing

Saturday, 13 October 2007

Week Five #10 Favourite Frog Image

While 'surfing' I found the following frog images that I couldn't resist. I've got my favourite, what's yours. I am setting up a poll on the side bar for you to vote. Here goes.

Frog 1 ET

Frog 2 Prison Break

Frog 3 Hanging On


Week Five #10 Comparing Image Generators

After visiting a few sites I found on the Image Generator Directory listed on the Learning 2.0 exercise I discovered a large volume of generators. Some of them were just for fun while others could be used for professional applications. There were sites, that once you created your image a PayPal icon appeared, like Custom Sign Generator. Some it was obvious there was a cost and a couple were free or aspects of both.

Sites I used were Image Generator:-

Week Five #10 Image Generators

I've never used image generators, the following is the result of my first attempt. Through Comicstrip Generator I was able to choose a cartoon image (I could have selected one of their templates) or upload one of my own. I selected the cute kitten and added some text into the speech bubble. Here's the result.

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Week Four : #8 RSS and Newsreaders

I've opened my bloglines account and after reading webgurl's blog was able to subscribe to her blog and edit mine for sharing, if anyone is interested the address I copied is as follows (if it's not, please let me know and I'll try again)

I subscribed to various sites and have already discovered what's worth keeping and what's not. For example I ticked parenting and found this to broad a term and was getting articles etc I just didn't want, so I unsubscribed. I'm sure with a little tweaking I'll be able to receive the information I want.