Thursday, 25 October 2007

Week 6 #13 Tagging and Bookmarks

One can easily get distracted and find herself far, far away from where she began. And time, how quickly it passes (disappears) when your blogging. I wish time passed as quickly when I was grocery shopping or ironing.
I've found this topic very useful and the many sites I've visited interesting. The fact I can find my favourites wherever I am using any system is great.
However, you can stumble on some questionable sites and I can see how easily children can end up on a unsuitable site. Often these sites are only a click away and if you have a dodgy finger (from netball injuries) that often activates the mouse without one knowing you can find yourself, anywhere! This hasn't happened yet, let's hope it doesn't.
Being an organised and tidy person (just ask my sister) bookmarking and tagging is something that I will use continously and being able to weed as I go, will be very useful.

1 comment:

Webgurl said...

You're right, there are no filters on so you could theoretically follow one innocent link to view that person's bookmarks only to find others that would not be suitable for children.

I also think that Blogger should add an option in the navbar settings so that you can disable the next blog and random blog features if you're running a blog for children. I might have to look at doing this via html.

Cheers, webgurl

(p.s. yes everyone she is very organised. she organises me all of the time - suzanne's sister.