Tuesday, 4 September 2012

INF 206

Different Sides of Social Media
I've recently seen the different sides of social media. My son's public high school is closing down and even though the school attempted to get the message to the parents first, Facebook got in their way. Children were finding out at school, on excursions and even overseas before their parents! How hard did they try you may ask, but the point is that teenagers are so connected these days, they want information now.  This is why a statement that 'email is dead' rings true for so many.  Young adults are texting, SMS etc.  They want answers now!
However, currently I'm finding it very useful useful with my Mum quite ill in hospital and my sister overseas. I've been able to keep her up-to-date without worrying about the time difference and the cost of overseas phone calls.
So there are different aspects to social media like the Charlotte Dawson situation which I find disgusting and unacceptable on every level and remaining connected with family and friends. So I suppose what I am saying is keep an open mind and don't stray from your beliefs, which is why I'm going to give SL another go after a failed attempt a few months ago.

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