Friday, 9 November 2007

Week 7 #17 Sandbox

I've added my blog and didn't need the [], oh well it appears to have worked. Favourites, well I've added a couple of things, ice-ceam - licorice, football team - collingwood, colour - blue, chocolate - white, weather - hot, pets - cats, now you're getting bored.


Minerva said...

Glad to see there's another ERL Collingwood fan out there.
How will we manage without the great Nathan Buckley? Go Pies in 2008!!!

Webgurl said...

My faves

ice-ceam - licorice, spearmint football team - carlton
colours - blue, purple, orange, lime black
chocolate - white, dark
weather - cold
pets - cats

wow! apart from football and the weather we're pretty much alike.

Cheers, webgurl