Sunday, 15 July 2012

INF206 - Social Networking technologies and sites used for work, pleasure or study.

Social Networking technologies and sites  have used for work, pleasure or study.

Prior to enrolling in INF206 I had experienced and have accounts  are:
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Blogger
  • eBay
  • iTunes
I can now add:
  • Delicious
  • Flickr
  • Second Life
Facebook is the main platform I use.  It keeps me up-to-date with family and friends that live interstate.  However, I do have Facebook friends that I work with or live locally.  It does amuse me when I'm playing 'Words With Friends' with my neighbour.  Should I actually be conversing in person, is it a little lazy or actually anti-social. Just a thought!
I know avid users of Twitter and if I need to contact them I know how to do and that's via Twitter.  I  use Twitter to follow friends and other public libraries.
Recently I was introduced to  I haven't joined, however I am thinking of creating a page on the topic of Aspergers Syndrome a subject that has relevance to me.

I don't sign up to everything I see or are recommended, like a fellow student David I am very private person and set my security settings quite high.
I'm not completely sure eBay can be considered, however for me visit the same stores to purchase similar items and feel I have a online professional relationship. Interesting thought and I may change my mind once I've learnt more about Social Networking as at the moment I'm a novice. 
In my workplace we have recently created a Social Media position employing an existing staff member.  Currently my employer has a Twitter presence and a blog that was maintained by the Web Administrator.  Now there is a Social Media Group who manage the content that's posted. So personally at work I don't use any Web 2.0 technologies, on ocassion I have suggested patrons have a look at LibraryThing  however this is not a directive from management just a personal recommendation.

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