Saturday, 28 July 2012

INF206 - Twitter Experience

Prior to undertaking INF 206 Social Networking for Information Professionals I did have a Twitter account.  I mainly used it to communicate with a particular colleague and follow:-
  • library and information industry professionals
  • sports identities especially AFL, and
  • people who tweet about Autism/Aspergers Syndrome
I ocassionaly posted and generally was only replying to others. I was not posting original material often enough.  It difficult to see how 140 characters is going to be enough to share something meaningful. However, it is  the ongoing tweeting that is going to create relationships.  According to Grenfell  (2011) I am not alone with less than 5% actively participating while some people only participate on specific topics relating to them.

Now I have been looking for interesting articles on the Internet and in the daily Melbourne Age Newspaper.  Recently, I found an article in the Melbourne Age regarding a rural teacher who is using games like Xbox and Wii to stimulate the students learning  I was able to share this article with my Twitter followers by simply selecting the share icon.  I could have used Facebook or Pin it also.

A colleague suggested I become more active on Twitter.  I am hoping by increasing my participation this will increase the communication between my Library Industry followers.  Give me authority and lead my followers to trust my posts especially any links I add.  This will take time, however will be worth the exchange of information and ideas.  I've only been in the Library and Information profession for 6 years prior to that I worked in the Banking, Finance and Accounting field therefore this is a change of career for me. The knowledge and experiences I can draw from others is invaluable.

At this stage I haven't had much response, however I will persist hoping this will change once my followers read regular interesting material.

However, I was blown away when I read some of my Twitter posts in the INF 2506 paper


Grenfell, C. (2011). Deploying microblogging in organisations. Retrieved from,

Hay, L. 2012, July 28). The INF206-506 Daily. Retrieved from,

Stevenson, A & Tarica, E (2012, July 23). Young close digital divide in classroom. The Age. Retrieved from

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