Sunday, 15 July 2012

INF206 - What I expect to learn from INF206.

What I expect to learn from INF206.

This is not a straight forward question as I have a sense I will learn many things I didn't know existed.

My main purpose is to learn how to better use the numerous technologies available.  I barely touch the surface of how social media can assist me with my learning journey and my workplace.

A colleague recently explained how I need to post more material that my followers may be interested in, sharing articles and useful websites.  She was encouraging me to be more active in Social Networking circles and not to be a passive participant.

Even though I am on Facebook I was not aware of the 'Groups' option which highlights my limited knowledge of the technologies I do use. Already in a week I have learnt more about Facebook which opens the door to experience so much more.

It has been overwhelming joining groups and starting accounts however I'm sure this will settle down.  I need to embrace the experience and lower my guard and not be so self conscious about whether someone is interested in what I have to share......and just SHARE IT!  It's possible I'm missing out on technologies that could enrich my learning experience, my career and personal life.

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