Monday, 30 July 2012

INF206 - Module 3 - ASU Library

Arizona State University (ASU) Libraries

I watched several of the 'Library Minute video's  I found the videos very informative and provided the exact information students and staff would want to know, such as the availability of:-

  • Free WiFi
  • Inter Library Loan
  • Holds
  • Ask A Librarian
  • Scholar Journals
  • Lounges
  • Coffee Shops
  • DVDs, CDs and games
  • Magazines, Newspapers
  • Online platforms - Facebook, Twitter, Library Channel
The Open Access video was straight forward, information and without the fuss, which is probably why this particular layout appealed to me.  I felt comfortable viewing it.  A few of the Library Minute videos made me squirm, however, I accept that a particular demographic may prefer and react positively to this method and approach.

Generally, the information was prominent which is the aim.  If the message reaches the intended audience then ASU have a successful method of reaching their intended demographic and they achieve a positive online presence.

ASU are very active on Twitter and Facebook, they provide up-dated information, answering queries while engaging in conversation.  I enjoyed the "Library Channel' interesting, informative without the hype, this style suits me. ASU uses Wordpress to manage this site.

How ASU meets the 4Cs of Social Media

Module three discusses the 4 C's of social media to be collaboration, conversation, community and content creation I found many other suggestions such as the following by Brennan (2010) of Customers, Content, Content and Channel. 

Customers - ASU directly market to their intended audience, the students, researchers and academic staff.
Content - ASU offers an extensive outline of what the university offers.
Context - ASU appears to offer the appropriate information on various social media platforms.  There is duplication so if users are on Twitter, Facebook, feed to the Library Channel and visit the website they will experience the same information continuously.  However, it must be considered if this wasn't the situation, which group of users would be ostracised, therefore missing out potentially vital information.
Channel - ASU use various platforms to engaged as many of their intended audience as possible. ASU use Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Foursquare and RSS feeds to connect with their users.

Brennan, M. (2010). Social Media Today. Retrieved from,

Saturday, 28 July 2012

INF206 - Twitter Experience

Prior to undertaking INF 206 Social Networking for Information Professionals I did have a Twitter account.  I mainly used it to communicate with a particular colleague and follow:-
  • library and information industry professionals
  • sports identities especially AFL, and
  • people who tweet about Autism/Aspergers Syndrome
I ocassionaly posted and generally was only replying to others. I was not posting original material often enough.  It difficult to see how 140 characters is going to be enough to share something meaningful. However, it is  the ongoing tweeting that is going to create relationships.  According to Grenfell  (2011) I am not alone with less than 5% actively participating while some people only participate on specific topics relating to them.

Now I have been looking for interesting articles on the Internet and in the daily Melbourne Age Newspaper.  Recently, I found an article in the Melbourne Age regarding a rural teacher who is using games like Xbox and Wii to stimulate the students learning  I was able to share this article with my Twitter followers by simply selecting the share icon.  I could have used Facebook or Pin it also.

A colleague suggested I become more active on Twitter.  I am hoping by increasing my participation this will increase the communication between my Library Industry followers.  Give me authority and lead my followers to trust my posts especially any links I add.  This will take time, however will be worth the exchange of information and ideas.  I've only been in the Library and Information profession for 6 years prior to that I worked in the Banking, Finance and Accounting field therefore this is a change of career for me. The knowledge and experiences I can draw from others is invaluable.

At this stage I haven't had much response, however I will persist hoping this will change once my followers read regular interesting material.

However, I was blown away when I read some of my Twitter posts in the INF 2506 paper


Grenfell, C. (2011). Deploying microblogging in organisations. Retrieved from,

Hay, L. 2012, July 28). The INF206-506 Daily. Retrieved from,

Stevenson, A & Tarica, E (2012, July 23). Young close digital divide in classroom. The Age. Retrieved from

Sunday, 15 July 2012

INF206 - What I expect to learn from INF206.

What I expect to learn from INF206.

This is not a straight forward question as I have a sense I will learn many things I didn't know existed.

My main purpose is to learn how to better use the numerous technologies available.  I barely touch the surface of how social media can assist me with my learning journey and my workplace.

A colleague recently explained how I need to post more material that my followers may be interested in, sharing articles and useful websites.  She was encouraging me to be more active in Social Networking circles and not to be a passive participant.

Even though I am on Facebook I was not aware of the 'Groups' option which highlights my limited knowledge of the technologies I do use. Already in a week I have learnt more about Facebook which opens the door to experience so much more.

It has been overwhelming joining groups and starting accounts however I'm sure this will settle down.  I need to embrace the experience and lower my guard and not be so self conscious about whether someone is interested in what I have to share......and just SHARE IT!  It's possible I'm missing out on technologies that could enrich my learning experience, my career and personal life.

INF206 - Social Networking technologies and sites used for work, pleasure or study.

Social Networking technologies and sites  have used for work, pleasure or study.

Prior to enrolling in INF206 I had experienced and have accounts  are:
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Blogger
  • eBay
  • iTunes
I can now add:
  • Delicious
  • Flickr
  • Second Life
Facebook is the main platform I use.  It keeps me up-to-date with family and friends that live interstate.  However, I do have Facebook friends that I work with or live locally.  It does amuse me when I'm playing 'Words With Friends' with my neighbour.  Should I actually be conversing in person, is it a little lazy or actually anti-social. Just a thought!
I know avid users of Twitter and if I need to contact them I know how to do and that's via Twitter.  I  use Twitter to follow friends and other public libraries.
Recently I was introduced to  I haven't joined, however I am thinking of creating a page on the topic of Aspergers Syndrome a subject that has relevance to me.

I don't sign up to everything I see or are recommended, like a fellow student David I am very private person and set my security settings quite high.
I'm not completely sure eBay can be considered, however for me visit the same stores to purchase similar items and feel I have a online professional relationship. Interesting thought and I may change my mind once I've learnt more about Social Networking as at the moment I'm a novice. 
In my workplace we have recently created a Social Media position employing an existing staff member.  Currently my employer has a Twitter presence and a blog that was maintained by the Web Administrator.  Now there is a Social Media Group who manage the content that's posted. So personally at work I don't use any Web 2.0 technologies, on ocassion I have suggested patrons have a look at LibraryThing  however this is not a directive from management just a personal recommendation.

INF206 - What is Social Networking?

Assessment One - What is Social Networking?

When we hear the term social networking I imagine like many people of online tools, i.e. Facebook and Twitter.

I can't help but agree with a statement that suggests social networking is not new as people have always been sharing and communicating with each (OCLC Report, 2007, p.2-1). What has change is the platform that is being used to do this.

However, in the context of this subject, social networking is the practise of creating online relationships, sharing interests, communicating ideas, producing content and sharing images.
Social networking is using Web 2.0 technologies to build relationships with other like minded individuals.  Facebook for instance provides the platform for users to contact friends, family, school friends, work colleagues, hobby groups and educational purposes.  Twitter considered a micro blogging tool, where users can make very brief comments often just grabbing the attention of their reader to start a thread that others can contribute to. LibraryThing where users/readers can contribute to other readers experience by reviewing and recommending material.

INF206 - Just the Beginning - Introduction

Assessment One - OLJ - Introduction

I am currently studying Library and Informtion Studies part time at Charles Sturt University.  This semester I'm enrolled in two subjects one of which is INF206 Social Networking for Information Professionals.

Technically I've already begun my social networking journey five years ago I completed the online professioanl developlemnt program '23 Things' This program exposed me to facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Blogger, Wiki's and LibraryThing just to name a few.  This was when I started my Facebook account.
I had good inentions of continuing with my blog but never did. however I did continue with Facebook and have found it a useful tool in keeping in contact with family and friends especially those that live interstate.